FIRB 2010: Il paesaggio di una grndestrada romana

Photogrammetric Survey

The surveys and photogrammetric processing of the wall, where the base of the Apollo Temple is visible, were performed using the "Photomodeler scanner” software. A professional camera was used for taking the pictures. The camera was calibrated on a lens with a fixed focal length. The frames for the geometric model were acquired in a convergent way, while the images for the photogrammetric restitution have been acquired with the optical axis perpendicular to the wall.

  • Fig.1
    Base del Tempio di Apollo.
  • Fig.2
    Ortofoto della base del Tempio di Apollo.
  • Fig.3
    Muro di contenimento lungo il Fosso di Sant’Andrea.
  • Fig.4
    Ortofoto del muro di contenimento.

 Partial models of the front have been realized and subsequently combined to create a three-dimensional cloud of points of the entire wall. The orthophotos of the front was extracted from this cloud. In addition, the photogrammetric survey of a portion of the containment wall along the Fosso di Sant'Andrea, made of big square blocks, was performed. Direct measures were taken on the wall, as it was not possible to perform the topographical survey,. Also in this case the images were acquired with the optical axis perpendicular to the front.