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Archaeological surveys and investigations along the Appia route and the surrounding territory

Archaeological investigation was led by DILBEC according to methodological guidelines which are proper of the topographic discipline; it was functional to the reconstruction and understanding of site developments along the Appia route between Fondi and Itri and in the close territory revolving around it.

A review of the existing scientific literature, along with the analysis of archive-stored documentation, historical and modern cartography as well as aerofotographic frames, are resulted to be a valid support for systematic field investigations which were completed with the help of functional portable and lab instruments.

On site researches along this tract of the route track, supported by an acknowledged and wide bibliography, allowed to identify new areas of archaeological interest and to define their peculiar characteristics and main anthropogenic landscape modifications.

Recognized sites were catalogued on a digital topographic base layer, then further investigated and framed in the wider context of local and interregional communications which in their turn influenced site evolution an dynamic in the area. On this basis, it was possible to proceed with an historical-topographic, diachronous reconstruction of the territory surrounding the Appia route, also by learning evidence on natural and anthropogenic landscape modifications which influenced the road construction and its preservation over time.